
A Journey to Self Love

This course is designed specifically for women andĀ beautiful beings with vulvas.

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Truly. Madly. Deeply. 

Your Self Love Journey begins here.

This course is completely self-paced. Explore and expand as your schedule allows. My best practices to help you arrive at the deep joy of knowing and adoring yourself.

Get connected to your body, your inner voice, your unconditional love for yourself. Learn to trust yourself and your inner guidance system.

If you are feeling stuck, disconnected, full of self-doubt, if you have a strong inner critic, struggle with making and honoring your boundaries, this course is your path to deep SELF LOVE.

Weekly modules include video and audio practices, guided meditations and an abundance of tools supporting each week's topic.

You will discover tools to promote and feel Body Love, Connecting to sensations in your body, Boundaries, Communication, Shadow work and meeting your difficult emotions, Mindset and self-talk and so much more!

This is an amazing comprehensive course with practices that will actually move the needle! You may have tried methods and mantras in the past to feel more self love.

The difference is, this course teaches body practices to really set the love into your very core.

Change in thoughts and patterns require CONSISTENCY. Make Practices to embody self love fun and you will do them consistently.

Go from wanting self love, to having it. 


Actions are important in every relationship. Your relationship with yourself is no different.

This course will empower you to find your true spirit. Your confidence and magic bloom from there!

It's life changing.

Your Five  Modules in Truly Madly Deeply

1. Connecting to your body.

Dive into the body. If you have ever felt anxious and "In your head" all the time, this module generates grounding and connection. Leading a turned on life starts with this!

2. Body Image.

This module is full of beautiful practices to bring a sense of love, safety and belonging that starts with feeling loving toward your physical form. Game changer for self love!

3.  Boundaries.

Feel sure that your boundaries are just right for you. Get confident on expressing them, honoring them, and communicating them to others. This is power and this is where you learn to never abandon yourself for others.  You will reclaim your energy.

4.  Shadow Work.

The power of making the unconscious conscious. NO change in patterns or behavior happens without awareness. Sometimes we bury shit and have no idea why we are acting in ways that harm ourselves or our relationships! Shadow work is taking a peak into your depths, with safety and love. Not scary, but illuminating!

5. Mindset, Communication with self and others.

This module will help you bloom with belief that you are worthy and lovable and confident.  This is how you believe in yourself. Limitless and expansive. Yum!

Five Weeks of Guided Action!


Home-play, video teachings, audio practices, writing for clarity, and strategies to awaken and embody true and lasting love for yourself!


Sign Me Up! So Ready to Feel Love for Myself.