Wanting To Connect more Deeply with your Love?

Learn from top intimacy coach, Gina Catherine, in her three part Relationship Renewal  


Did you know that only 10% of couples seek professional help before deciding to end the relationship?

Learn how to let go of resentment, communicate as a bonded pair, and practices for keeping intimacy alive and thriving!

Get Relationship Renew

Your Love Deserves Care


You Can Renew your Love.

Learn the formula to get back to one another:

  • Learn how to release resentments.
  • Communicate for greater connection. 
  • Strategies to support each other in love.
  • Dabble in Tantra for deeper intimacy.
  • Commit to open hearts, pure communication, and keeping your love vibrant.

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

In Relationship Renew, you’ll learn how to reconnect with your person.


In three coaching sessions, you will…

  • Release old hurt
  • Learn skills to hear and be heard
  • Remember your attraction

The right approach makes all the difference! We’ll cover these three pillars in Relationship Renew.

What's Included In Relationship Renew...

Session 1

Clear Old Pain

If you have been in a relationship for more than six months, you likely have some things that remain unresolved or unsaid. Address them or they will come back like the green fog and kill all joy. Hurt that was swept under the rug doesn't go away, it just hides and comes back as ruinous behavior or hardness.

  • In this session, we do NOT hash over every single grievance, we learn ONE technique, in three parts, that you can use for every injury, past and future.
  • Clearing old hurt is a gift to your relationship.
  • Learn to process EMOTION, not the story.

You’ll come out of session one with a path to forgiveness, and clarity on how to do things differently next time.

Session 2

The Secret to Communicating for the BOND

Does your partner ever go nutso when you interrupt?Do you ever feel like nodding and smiling because it's no use trying to get through to your person?  Even couples who listen, rarely hear their love.

In this session, you’ll learn:

  • How to hear your partner.
  • How to express yourself from your truth.
  • How to speak and listen from LOVE not FEAR.

Often couples discover through this different form of communication, a core need that is not being met. You will both come away with skills to meet those core needs and communication gets more relaxed

Session 3

Tantra for Intimacy

The key to keeping love healthy, is to feed it every day. In this lesson, you’ll learn:

  • Playful practices for deeper connection.
  • Holding Space for your partner.
  • Play to create a bubble around your relationship that both protects and grows.

We do not get into advanced Tantric pleasure practices in this session. These will be sweet, connecting practices to remember why you chose this human to walk hand in hand with.

Relationship Renew Is For You If...

  • You are a couple who is feeling unsteady in your relationship
  • You are feeling bored, or numbed out in your love.
  • You feel content, but want practices to connect more deeply!
  • You dream of feeling loved and supported but have no idea how to start
  • You are in the ten percent who COMMIT and INVEST in a relationship that lights you up!

*Relationship Renew is for couples of ALL kinds.

Singles, contact Gina for coaching to fit your goals!


I'm Gina Catherine.

After ten years in IT, and ten years as a community counselor for a large cultural exchange, I realized that my passion is not only people but people's feelings. 

I dove into mindfulness, meditation, breath work, and somatic training.

I am committed to being trauma conscious in all my work.

I hold a 600 hour certification with the Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality.

I started my coaching business in 2018, and have guided people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds to feeling alive and connected. 

I want you to have an extraordinary love.

I use what I've learned to help people just like you find love, safety, and belonging in relationship. I’ll show you how to process feelings, communicate to grow in love, and connect in affection and play.

I wish I had access to these tools earlier in life. You don't have to regret, you get to commit!

"Gina's depth of knowledge in various modalities has opened my eyes to new perspectives."

- Jody S, Conscious Dating and Self Love Client

"Where have these <practices> been all my life?"

- BB, Couples Coaching Client

"Gina is non-judmental and unique in her teachings. Hire her if you are ready to claim what is yours!"

- Su, Sexuality Client
Remember Your Love

Three Session Private Couple's Coaching

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"People, more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed and redeemed.

The best thing to hold onto in life, each other."

~Audrey Hepburn

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Your Love Deserves Care.